LD42 2018_8_14 5_56_09.pngCrowded.gifControl.gif

The most dangerous trip you might take! The big yarn monsters will harm you with heavy punch and hit you out of the carriage. Survive from the OVERCROWDED metro carriage until you reach the final destination.

Gameflow is short, and at the end of the game, there will be some interesting plots show to players. Don’t miss it

Q/W: Stretch Left/Right Arm

E/R: Stretch Left/Right Leg

(If you have difficulty finishing the game There is Cheat Mode: Press Tab to be FIXED and INVULNERABLE)


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It's definitely a weird game that funnily is based on a real-world problem. Controlling the character with the one key per limb controls is difficult, but that's what makes the game challenging.

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